The origin of a plum is China and it is known that the plums have begun to be grown about 3000 years ago. In Korea, ancestors used plums since Samhan Era and the usage of plums were widely spreaded nationwide in Samguk Era. People believe drifting people of Gaya have introduced the culture of plums with other cultures when Gaya has perished in the middle of 6th century. Written in 7th century, the book of ancestral history ¡°Manyeopjip¡± has about 110 parts about plums and it tells the introduction of plums. Plum trees bloom 5?petaled flowers before the leaves sprout. The fruit, plum, is a kind of drupes that weighs 12~20g and ripe in June or July.

In 1980, under the martial law, Mr. Kwon visited Songgwang?Sa located in Seungju?Gun, Jeolla?Nam?Do and found seeds of old endemic plums aged for about 500 years. He took the seeds to Daegu and fell in love with them. And he came to have the belief that these endemic plums could have a role for the health of people, differently from improved breeds of plums. He just planted the plums in the garden of his house in Daemyeong?Dong. When he felt the garden of 1000 Pyeong (about 3308m^2) was small, he purchased a land of 7000 Pyeong (about 23141m^2) in Daewang?Gol of Palgong?Mountain in 1991. Since 1992 he began to breed the endemic plums. Before planting and breeding, he verified that citric acids in plums promotes metabolism in body and cleans waste materials in blood vessels through studies in 1986. He named this endemic plum as ¡°Songgwang Seoljungmae¡± and registered as a trademark.