This pavilion displays all achieved data about plum studies and spreading movement since getting seeds of endemic plum in the summer of 1980.
About 20 years are passed since the movement of spreading plums has begun. Since then classes for the effects and processing of plums, succeeding and failing examples, breeding and raising seedlings played a role for spreading plums. This pavilion is to show the truth about plums.

This pavilion can be divided into 2 sections of art and written works. In the art section, art works of Juknong, Namnong and Cheongho are displayed with art works and practice works of Gukwon Song Suhee such as calligraphies and the four gracious plants. In the written works section, old documents and books such as printing type works in late Goryeo Age, printing type work published by King Seongjong, documents and tools in the middle of Joseon, Gapinbo of Andong Kwon family (1881) and old documents of a lawsuit.